Frances Prescott Facialist & Makeup Artist

Frances Prescott is a facialist and makeup artist within the film and fashion industry.  After many years in this illustrious career,  Frances wanted to create a product that would simplify everyones skin care routine. Joining forces with international business woman and sister Pauline Prescott, they sought out to create a luxurious yet affordable multi-functional and natural products. Tri-Balm and Tri-Spritz were born! I chat to Frances Prescott about her journey, the brand and the products that she has created.

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on formulating these two fantastic products. Can I ask what inspired their creation?

Thank you! The inspiration really came initially from reducing my professional kit down and from clients coming to me for facial treatments and their confusion or lack of willingness to layer to many products. I didn’t want to skimp on quality skincare, but I wonder if I could create the solution.

One of the key selling points of Tri-Balm and Tri-Spritz is their multi-functionality, something which is not easy to achieve in a product without compromising on quality. Was it a difficult process finding the perfect amalgamation of ingredients that carried out all the multi-purpose skincare steps you envisaged?

I have a background as a nurse early on in my journey, so I am quite knowledgeable on skin structure and what skin can do itself. After studying as a facialist and working with heaps of products, I teamed up with a fantastic cosmetic scientist. We worked on ingredients and rations to achieve a balanced multi-functional product where one function was as potent and affective as the other functions. It took a lot of tweaking, but I was thrilled with what we developed.

My favourite (if I had to choose one) is the Tri-Balm, which cleanses, exfoliates and moisturises. Most people think that in order to exfoliate the skin you have to use granular substances, which of course Tri-Balm doesn’t contain. What is the key ingredient in Tri-Balm that helps with exfoliation and how does it work?

I am a big fan of gentle exfoliation and although I think physical exfoliants are effective, I found clients ‘scrubbing’ with them and sensitising their skin, something which they didn’t need to do but I think the mind set was telling them to ‘scrub’!

The key exfoliant in Tri-Balm is a pumpkin enzyme which is an AHA (chemical) natural exfoliant. The enzyme ‘digests’ dead skin cells and it’s a very gentle and fantastic ingredient.

Both Tri-Balm and Tri-spritz are made with high-quality natural ingredients that are contained in minimalist contemporary packaging. Are the products aimed at a specific markets or are they suitable for everyone?

Yes, the products are gender neutral and great for all skin types.

Tri-Spritz is your most recent release, are there any plans to expand the range any further?

I have a fantastic body balm coming soon but this will be a capsule collection of multifunction products, I want to use less to do more!

After years of working in the fashion and film industry, have you come across any skincare tips for men and women that you can share with us? 

The best tip I can share for all skins and genders is keep it as simple as possible. Skin on the whole is pretty good at taking care of itself, if you can find a realistic skincare routine that you can stick to then you are winning.


For more information on the products see my previous blog post and IGTV videos.

Check out my guest blog over at where I talk about my favourite winter skincare products.

3 thoughts on “Frances Prescott Facialist & Makeup Artist

  1. Really enjoyed reading this review Scott. This kind of skincare regime is really up my street as I’m definitely one for less steps and minimal products.


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